Marcello Pedalino, Author
Virginina This Morning- CBS 6- Marcello Pedalino- Celebrate Life (Medium).jpg


Highlights from the Celebrate Life Book Tour and helpful articles on self care, mindfulness, and personal growth.

The Cha Cha Challenge with Marcello Pedalino and Friends from The Randolph YMCA

I enjoy dancing, I enjoy fitness, and I enjoy spending time with really cool people. Some days, I get to do all 3 at once! :) 

Can you do a 3 minute plank? Can you dance to the Cha Cha Slide? Cool! Now try doing a 3 minute plank while dancing to The Cha Cha Slide at the SAME TIME!

Take the Cha Cha Challenge!

Have fun!

Marcello Pedalino