Marcello Pedalino, Author
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Highlights from the Celebrate Life Book Tour and helpful articles on self care, mindfulness, and personal growth.

Can a Corporate Meeting Be Educational and Productive as Well as Entertaining and Inspirational?

Can a corporate meeting be educational and productive as well as entertaining and inspirational?

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When it's the Pomptonian Food Service Manager's Meeting, the answer is, YES! Of course!

Today I had the pleasure to serve the Pomptonian as their Master of Ceremonies and event facilitator at the Westmount Country Club.

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What a treat it was to collaborate with today's keynote speaker, "MGM" Maureen G. Mulvaney! She had everyone laughing, crying, and learning. :)

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Kudos to Mark and Candy Vidovich and their incredible leadership team for creating another stellar experience for all. See you next year!

Cheers, -m 


Marcello Pedalino